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Annual Fire Safety Statements
Annual Fire Safety Statements that guarantee your fire safety

The professional certification you need to avoid a fine
An Annual Fire Safety Statement certifies that all essential fire safety measures in your building are capable of performing to their original Australian Standards and BCA requirements. They are required by legislation to be submitted to council either annually or sometimes on a supplementary basis.
We are qualified to assess, inspect and certify that the performance of each of your building’s fire safety measures comply with Australian Standards and the Building Code of Australia.
Inspecting and testing your fire systems & equipment
Building owners are legally required to provide an Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) to their local council to certify that every essential fire safety measure listed in their Fire Safety Schedule performs to the relevant standard and BCA. Failure to do so can result in fines and in some cases a fire order.
Dragon Fire Services is accredited to perform assessments and testing of fire safety measures to ensure compliance is achieved.
We can also advise of the most cost-effective corrective actions that are required to resolve any non-compliance issues with your site.